Monday, October 29, 2012

What a shitty day

Ever had one of those days when you wish you could just go back to bed and start over? Well I'm living that today. I try to stay away from posting too much negative, poor me pity posts on Facebook but my blog is a totally different story :) So here it goes. After pretty much a sleepless night thanks to a baby that all of a sudden doesn't understand the concept of extended periods of sleep. I awake to my back hurting like a son of a bitch from a combination of sleeping on the floor with said non sleeping baby and sharing my not big enough bed with her and my husband. As I stumble out of bed resembling a character from the Walking Dead moaning and groaning from lack of sleep and pain I am greeted by the one thing I look most forward to in the morning, my coffee (thank god for auto brew!). I think that joyous moment has been and will be the best part of this day. But even that was short lived when the crazy energized baby jumped on me and spilled it all over myself and the couch. After cleaning my couch and myself baby number two decided to take her diaper off and run from me around the living room squealing with enjoyment as I chase her in attempt to put a new diaper on. Keep in mind I have only had one sip of coffee so far and running is not quite the activity I had in mind for 6:45am. Now insert the horrible listening from my five year old as she tells me "your getting on my nerves" and temper tantrums from the twins, its enough to make your eyes and ears bleed. Now I know some of you might be thinking how trivial this all is and your right! When I was part of the working world I would dread going to work some days. I would sit there wishing I could just stay home with my kids and not have to deal with both working and home responsibilities, crazy me I thought being home would be easier... RIGHT! Days like today almost send me running back to work! Now I am not starting a debate over who has it harder SAHM or working moms but I can tell you sometimes this gig sucks! Any parent has their moments and today is mine, I swear if I have to say "put your sister down" one more time to my 5yr old or break up another biting fest between the twins I might just go insane. To top it off my house is a shit hole even tho all I did yesterday is clean, I have more loads of laundry to fold than I will admit publicly and that wonderful coffee I MADE my damn husband drank it all and I only got one F*cking cup! As I sit here thinking of the fact I have to still take my 5yr old to school, figure out something for dinner, clean the house AGAIN, get the laundry finished (all of this to do with fighting, crying babies and a 5yr old that wont listen to a damn thing I say) and the most dreaded part of my day, a Parent teacher conference with my 5th graders teacher today at 3:45 which I specifically requested after 5:30 so I could have my hubby skip it to watch the kids, has now turned into a mobile three ring circus that will probably cause me to have an anxiety attack and have the teacher thinking about early retirement. Days like to day make me wish I was still working outside the home, thank god days like tomorrow will remind me why I stay home, if not tomorrow maybe a day in the near future :) End rant... for now 


  1. Oh man I just wrote out a comment and it wouldn't let me post! I was just saying that I'm glad I'm not alone in feeling like throwing in the towel. I work but I still have laundry piled taller then my kids, dishes constantly needing cleaned and yes my kids fight all the time. my 2 year old is always crying when he doesn't get what he wants! But the times they show their manners and call me beautiful that make me forget about all of that :) It kids seem close in age girl, I have mondays off so a should hook up someone and get ourselves out of the house lol

    1. So I just updated my comment moderation, It was requiring approval prior to posting soo hopefully it wont fuck up again LOL. Sorry about that hun :)

  2. Ok I'm trying this for a third time. I just want to say I'm glad I'm not alone. My laundry is ridiculous and my kids fight. My 2 year old cries when he doesn't get what he wants, he doesn't understand the concept of sharing. the days I feel like I want to throw in the towel suck but then the days where my kids use their manners and call me beautiful, make me forget about the bad days :) a should get the kids together and get you out of the house...I have mondays off so I'm down if you are ;)

    1. That would be great! I totally agree, those are the days that remind me why I stay home! Message me on FB with your # and I will give u mine so we can have a shitty day and some coffee together :)
