Wednesday, October 31, 2012

The bad mom's club

So I decided to start a club for bad moms, wanna join? Its free to join and if you meet any of the below criteria we have a place for you! You don't have to be a bad mom all the time you can be like me, a part time bad mom. I'm sick of all these face book groups that put these over achieving moms on a damn pedestal. Well I've had enough and I'm calling bull shit on all of it. You mean to tell me you are perfect all the time? You NEVER feed your children anything other than certified organic food? They never watch TV? You never yell or even raise your voice? Your house is always clean and you make all foods, drinks and condiments from scratch? Yea I'm calling BULLSHIT, and if you are actually doing all these things all the time I want some of the drugs you are on that make that possible. Hey don't get me wrong I am all for doing everything you can for your kids, but I am tired of women making other women feel like shit for not being perfect. The moms that make you feel like an asshole because you let your kids have a happy meal or watch some Disney channel. Well those moms need not apply to my club because this club is for those of us who live in reality and who believe it or not make mistakes, aren't perfect and guess what.. Our kids turn out just fine!

1. If you have ever let you kids eat fast food, candy, sugary drinks or "gasp" non-organic fruits or veggies there's a place for you!

2. If you have ever turned on the TV to use as a distraction to do any or all of the following; take a shower, use the bathroom alone, clean, talk on the phone, read a book, cook or even not to do a damn thing but breath, there's a place for you!

3. If you have ever not felt like making breakfast/lunch/dinner and godforbid went through a drive-thru, made hamburger helper or any other boxed, frozen or otherwise processed food, there's a place for you!

4. If you have ever let your kids eat some form of junk food before breakfast because you where sick of fighting with them, there's a place for you!

5. If you have ever pretended you didn't hear or see some form of sibling rivalry take place because you just don't feel like dealing with it for the 300th time that day, there's a place for you! 

6. If you have ever yelled at your kids more than you would like to admit for things that aren't even worth yelling about because your nerves are so shot from the repeated drama in your house? There's a place for you!

7. If you have ever thrown away something of your child's, felt like shit afterwards so you lied about it? IE: No honey I have no idea what happened to your annoying little toy from Mc Donalds you got with your happy meal lunch, maybe its in your room", there's a place for you!

8. If you have ever told your kid they where being rude, mean, a brat or any other negative term used to describe their behavior? There's a place for you!

9. If you have ever not cleaned some part of your house because you just didn't feel like it, IE: your kitchen with the sink over flowing with dishes, the laundry that sits in a pile higher than you or maybe a bathroom with a dirty toilet, tub or sink. There's a place for you!

10. If you have ever answered a question or an objection with "because I said so" because you either didn't want to argue or didn't really have a good reason behind your answer, there's a place for you!

So if you are a part time bad mom like me and are guilty of any or all of the above, join me in telling all those "Over achievers" to fuck off! We are good moms no matter what mistakes someone else might find appalling because it doesn't fit their version of perfect. Last time I checked there wasn't a manual that came with this job, it is more of a "fly by the seat of your pants gig". I am sick of feeling like just because I am not a picture of the perfect Stay at home mom that always has everything done, has an immaculate house and never makes a mistake. Feel free to add your ideas in the comments and they might just make the list! Be proud we bad mommas are pretty kick ass!! LOL

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