Friday, October 12, 2012

I'm back school??

So I must apologize for my longer than normal summer break. After carpel tunnel surgery it was a tad hard to type and lets just be real, I got lazy! So here we are the end of summer and a few short weeks into the school year. I find myself torn, a little sad that what small amount of good weather and summer fun has again came to an end but then the other "me" the SAHM is doing back flips and cheering get them back in school and out of my hair! Don't lie you know you all feel that way even if its just a little bit. Gone are the summers of yesteryear when we where the carefree little shits running wild, sleeping until 2 in the afternoon, floating the river with our only care being finding a way to con more money out of our parents. Now those wonderful moments have been replaced with play dates, zoo trips, sunscreen, oh shit I forgot the snacks, why the hell is everything so expensive and trying to magically make more money appear in your bank account to pay for all the stuff your kids want to do, which by the way never happens! Now it is time for school clothes, lunch bags, school supplies and WHY the hell is everything so expensive welcome back school. I would love to say I am one of those OAMs (over achieving moms) that comes to drop her kids off at school looking like she just walked off the runway, Nope I'm the one wearing my sweatshirt, ugg boots and if I am feeling fancy a pair of jeans. Oh and lets not forget my sunglasses, those things are on even when the sun is not out like I am going to apply make up to take my kids to school, right...

1 comment:

  1. All the reasons I love that you are my cousin! As always thanks for the laugh and yes I saw
    myself in most of this! :)
